Sunday, August 27, 2006


So my friend Ellis is constantly says "I invented that" or "It's a scientific fact" about things that are completely untrue just to be funny. Okay I realize it deesn't sound funny when I type it like that but he says things like, "Oh Japanese, yeah I invented that...the people, not the language." Trust me its super funny.
So the other day, I said that someone was "adorkable" (which is one of my favorite words) and I found myself having to explain to a group of people what it meant. I realized that I always have to do that because, wait for it, I did indeed invent it. My friend Dani and I are the creative forces behind this word as we invented it together about 2 years ago. What is adorkable you ask? Well, adorkable is a guy (or I guess girl but I always use it when referring to a guy) who is cute but in a dorky kinda way thus he is adorkable. This guy is not classically good looking but he has something about him that makes you really like him he is normally either skinny or slightly overweight and almost always super funny. Examples of this are Zach Braff, Adam Brody, or TJ Knight (George from Grey's)

Update: I wrote the above earlier in the week but accidently hit the save draft button instead of publish, but since then there has been a shocking turn. By chance I decided to google my (and Dani's) word only to find out that its freakin everywhere! I'm serious... its in the urban dictionary, people's blogs, and there are even t-shirts! How did Dani and my brilliance spread so far? And a better question, where is our recognition (and money from t-shirt sales)? We should have copyrighted it when we had the chance. So world you can go ahead use our word and pretend like you were so clever to think it up, but I will know the truth. Dani and I invented adorkable and that is a scientific fact!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

On like Donkey Kong!

So today was day 2 of orientation for the 1Ls at my school and I got roped into volunteering to help for orientation. Fine, whatever. I volunteered not because of the students on the orientation committee but instead because the staff member in charge of it might just be the sweetest person I have ever had the priviledge to meet and I swear if she asked me to run into a burning building for her I would most likely do it. So for my troubles of helping out today as well as 2 other days, she ordered an extra orientation t-shirt and gave it to me. Well today I showed up wearing said shirt and found out that evidently due to some issues there were a number of mentors who did not get one. Well that is all sad and everything but I knew that my shirt had been especially ordered for me so I went along to my station. Well, a little later a mentor, who is a 2L that I didn't really know that well but honestly hadn't really loved the few times I met her, walked up to me and was like, "You know about the t-shirt shortage right? So where did you get yours?" in this really snippy and accusatory attitude. That's right people, bitch just heavily implied that I stole a freakin t-shirt!! Well I managed to be somewhat civil as I informed her that I had been given one by above mentioned staff member for all the work I had put into helping with orientation even though I am not a mentor and thus it is not my job. I swear to goodness if my roomie hadn't been there to calm me down it would have been on like Donkey Kong! Where did her snooty ass get off implying that I had just helped myself to one? I mean seriously its not like she bothered to climb down off her high horse to help put together binders or any of a number of other tasks that should have been done by the people who signed up for the job in the first place. Nothing bothers me more than people who sign up for things just to pad their resume then don't put in the effort to do a good job, except stuck-up bitches who then act all superior to those that have to pick up their slack. Grr and now I remember why I don't like law schoolers and can't wait to freakin leave.

Baby, oh Baby!

Update on my wish for a baby: Upon further reflection I have realized that although I do want a baby before I am thirty, I think I was just saying that I want a baby because a baby represents a fantasy world where I wouldn't have to get a job next year. Saying I want a baby is just an easier way of saying that I want to avoid the stress and insecurity that comes along with job hunting, and instead have my fantasy life where an adorable, successful, and completely head-over-heels in love with me guy asks me to marry him and have ten thousand of his babies (okay maybe just 2 or 3) and best of all says "Honey, if you don't want to be a lawyer that's okay with me. I'll support us while you stay at home with the kids or volunteer doing something you really love." The feminist in me cringes that I even have that fantasy never mind voice it, but it is true. However, feminist voice or not, it doesn't really matter what my fantasy future entails because its just that, fantasy. Even as I type I am in the process of looking for jobs and not once have I found a listing for a prince charming looking for his princess. But then again, I think the feminist in me might not be so good at being a princess anyway.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


This weekend was a big family weekend as all of my siblings managed to be able to hang at my parents house. Aside from the inevitable sibling issues that crop up (because it doesn't matter how old we get after we have been at my parents house for more than 3 hours all together we revert back to some of the petty bickering and snide remarks of our childhood/teenage years) it was a good time. However, it did force me to come to the scary conclusion that I am in fact 25 years old and that equals adulthood.
On my drive over I realized that after this year things are really going to change. Next year, my sister and I will both have graduated from college and law school, respectively and will be goodness knows where depending on where employment opportunities land us and two more of my sisters will be in college. That means my sisters and I are going to be getting real jobs, and real lifelong (hopefully) relationships, and the building of our own families. Leaving for college never bothered me cause I knew that my family would be at home when I came back to visit, but now I realize that is about to change... not all of the family I want to go back to visit will be there. This year may be the last year that we all are present for holiday celebrations and that is just depressing. Soon one or more of us will be calling with the whole "I'd love to come Mom but I have a deadline/ promised to spend this year with his family/ have a sick baby that I don't want to travel with" Ugh. We even had a crazy conversation about what our kids are going to call my parents. That idea used to seem so far away but now I realize its right around the corner. It not bad just different.

And the real shocker of the weekend... I realized that I am really aching for a baby. And that my friends has me terrified! More on that to come.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Always Look on the Brightside of Life

So I am trying to follow the advice of Monty Python and indeed develop a sunnier outlook on life. To do so I am attempting to be more positive. You know, that whole see the glass half-full deal. Thus far it seems to be working fairly well as I am having a pretty good day. It all started cause I will feeling more that a bit miserable about work and I felt like I was a little grey rain cloud of doom whenever I talked to anyone about anything remotely dealing with work. Maybe I didn't actually project that attitude or maybe I did but it was definitely bumming me out and making me less happy in general so it had to go.
So I decided to go with that whole "fake it till you make it" approach as in just smile and say something nice while pretending I don't want to beat down the lawyer I work with and run out of the office screaming that I quit when I really want nothing more than to do just that. But here is the shocker for the first time in awhile I haven't felt like that all day, in fact, I am really enjoying being at work. I started off being determined to just fake that I was happy but I am finding that I actually am more upbeat. When you force yourself to smile and find the silver lining enough, you start to feel those positive thoughts creep into your head without you even willing them there. Hum, who knew all those Little Mary Sunshine folks were right? Now don't get me wrong its not like I completely hated all aspects of work or was constantly sad and depressed instead I was just getting so wrapped up in the bad things that I was ignoring all the good things. Or maybe its just an off day and I am just having an higher than normal tolerance level. Who knows...
An example of my new found positiveness is my handling of my cell phone meltdown. My cell phone has been dying a long and painful death for a while and I finally decided today that I would have to bite the bullet and call the insurance company to issue me a replacement. I sat thru the 20 minutes of crap where you have to verify your information like 400 times and drink a glass of water while standing on your head singing 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' in order to get the company to agree to ship me out a new phone that doesn't attempt to self-implode every other second. Now normally I would be kinda annoyed that I have to pay $5 per month only to have to pay an additional $50 "deductible" to get a new phone, but instead I am just so freakin excited that I will have a phone that will not spazz out on me all the freakin time. Hoorah!
Although I will say the one area in which my new found attempt at positiveness has not caught on is in the driving/road rage area. Today on the way back from the court house there was a car in front of me that had a "W: The President" sticker, a "Marriage = 1 Man and 1 Woman" sticker, a yellow ribbon magnet (the support the troops one) that had been turned sideways so that it would look the the Jesus Fish (just for clarity I have no problem with the support the troups ribbon although I feel they have just become trendy and I think there are better ways to support the troops than stick a little ribbon magnet on your car , especially one made in Korea, but that is for another day) and a "Keep the South Beautiful! Put a Yankee on a Bus" sticker with Confederate Flag. Add to this that they were driving in both of the freakin lanes down Sumter street and I swear to goodness it took almost all my effort not to just ram them with my car! How I hate you ignorant hating self who can't pick a freakin lane! I just wanted to yell,"Stop being such an ass and start learning how to F'in drive!" However I managed to pull myself in and just give them that "you are evil" stare as I drove past them. Sigh...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sigh..nothing like crying at your desk on a Wednesday afternoon.

I know this is random but what about me isn't? So today I ended up in a conversation about 9/11 with some people from work and I mentioned that of all the coverage the two things that most effected me where Peter Jennings almost crying on air and most of all Jon Stewart's speech on the first post-9/11 The Daily Show. This got me thinking about it and so being the good law clerk that I am (haha) I spent about 40 minutes tracking down the episode and re-watching it. Even after all this time Jon still made me cry. His speech is absolutely heart-wrenchingly beautiful with his slight inarticulation and choking back the tears. It reminds me of why I do love America problems and all. Well anyway if anyone wants to watch it here it is: Jon Stewart's Post 9/11 Speech Don't be daunted by the 22 minute running time. The first 9ish is his speech then it moves on to the rest of the episode which is still worth watching but not the true amazingness of Jon's monologue.

Holy Crap

Do you like Jesus and the Bible but feel that they are just not commercialized enough for you? Do you want your kids to experience the birthplace of Christianity without being forced to deal with those pesky other religions who claim Jerusalem is also a holy city for them? Well if so you are in luck because now there is a 100% Christian alternative and best of all You don't even have to leave the good old US of A. That's right folks we in America have reached a whole new level in commercialism because we now have The Holy Land Experience. Here you can learn about Jesus, eat a giant turkey leg, and get crucifixion action figures all in one convenient theme park. So next time you are in Orlando ignore that other theme park (because really isn't Disney just trying to set Mickey up as a false idol anyway?) and head on over to The Holy Land Experience.

1. I should totally get hired to do publicity for this place. Clearly I would do an amazing job. I think I will send over my resume today.
2. I must credit Outside Report with cluing me in on this existence of the Holy Land Experience. Without them I would be without a Fall Break destination. Thanks Chris!