So yeah its been a while since I have managed a post but its not because I don't care about all you loyal blog readers (all 6 of you- two of whom are my sisters). No instead I have just been crazy busy with the whole law school coming to an end thing, exams, sending out billions of resumes, freaking out about a future potentially filled with joblessness and homelessness, planning a graduation get together, preparing for graduation, worrying about the bar exam, trying to take care of my mental and physical health, and of course staying up to date on Grey's and Heroes. Sigh...what a busy life I lead.
However I think the biggest culprit in my lack of attention is a loss of my beloved "borrowed" internet. Ever since December when I moved into my new apartment I have been lucky enough to escape paying for internet but sadly that ship has sailed. I won't lie. It has been horrible! Although I must say in my defense, I did go out and buy the Verizon Wireless Broadband Internet Card only for it to suck some hardcore ass!! Yeah I said it...this card was shit. I went though the whole process of getting it from the store and installing it on my computer only for it to not work in my apartment even though the sales guy assured me it would work anywhere there was a Verizon signal. So I called up the tech support line to see what I had done wrong and he informed me that it "often has problems with reception indoors" What the Hell??!! Who is the target market for this product? People who live and work in treehouses? Or maybe the well-to-do, laptop carrying, on-the-go homeless person? And to add insult to injury they forgot to inform me that there was to be an additional $25 "activation fee" tacked onto my monthly bill. What "activation" occurred? I mean I did all the installation and it didn't even freakin' work. All the Verizon people did was give me the crappy card and a list of instructions. It cost them $25 for this?? Needless to say the card has gone back to Verizon and I got great satisfaction in yelling at them. So its back to checking my email at school or at Panera. Its not a great plan and eventually I will have to break down and just get cable internet. Grr... one more thing to spend money on.
So in other excitement I have another job interview lined up with a solicitor's office in the Upstate. They want to interview even though they do not currently have a position available, but evidently the solicitor was "so impressed with your resume that he wanted to interview you in hopes that something opens up later this summer" Boo-yah!! Now if only I could impress someone who was actually sure they will be able to give me a job.
Um other than that motivation for studying and caring about school is dangerously low. I think it is a good thing that I am graduating in 2 weeks, because I shutter to think about how apathetic I would be if I had another year left. It would be bad business I tell you.
Okay must force myself to go back to studying for the 2 exams I have left. Cause it would be damn crappy to fail out my last semester of law school. I would have to implement my whole "fake my own death and move to a country with no extradition policy" life plan to escape my massive law school debt, and frankly I don't really want to have to take that step because most of those countries pretty much suck it and I am not a girl who is good with the "roughing it" approach to life. Give me running water and electricity any day.