Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Confession 1

I pretty much hate everyone at law school. There I have said it. I hate them with their smugness and their attitude that they are so much better then everyone else. I hate them for their snobbery and for this hypocrisy. I hate them for their uniform of a polo, a pair of khaki pants, and mirrored sunglasses hanging around their necks on croakies for the guys and a cute skirt, cut too low top, and a pound of makeup for the girls. I hate them for their willingness to run-over everyone and everything in their way of making top dollar in a corner office at the much touted Nelson Mullins. They are all willing to sell their souls to the devil to make it to the top. But what I hate about them even more is that every once in a while I find myself envying them. How can that be you gasp. Well its simple I envy how they can easily shrug off the misery of law school 'cause in their minds its worth it when they can be the one to torture the next generation of law clerks with summarization of 200+ page depositions or spend days researching only to be told that the project is shelved, while I trudge along thinking that maybe I don't belong here in the first place.


Anonymous said...

Preach on, sister.

I, too, both hate and envy the law school drones. I think it's their self-confidence I envy the most. Everything appears to come so easy to them - money, grades, jobs, etc. It's enough to make your head spin.

Anonymous said...

A wise woman once told me that what you hate in others is a reflection of what you hate in yourself.


Anonymous said...

I also hate the drones, but luckily there are a few of us there that get it that law school is not just a springboard for a house in the Hamptons. I got a great compliment from my sister a at law school party. She said "There were 2 types of people at that party. The typical Columbia yuppy and then people who didn't look like that at all. I loved that all of those people were your friends!" Non-yuppies unite!