Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Computer Sadness

So much to my dismay and inconvenience, my computer has been sent to the Best Buy lab in an attempt to nurse it back to health. It will be there for about 3 weeks so currently I am forced to go back to the old school method of pen and paper notes and mootching off my roomie (or slacking at work) for computer time. It sucks and will greatly hinder my researching (for the research paper that I swore to myself I would finish this summer yet have barely started) but it could always be worse because at least its not during exams. Sigh...you never realize how much you are totally dependent on your computer until its cruelly ripped from your hands. Oh, and on a disturbing note, the Best Buy guy said that he thinks I might emit some sort of pulse that negatively effects electronic devices. Nifty, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are Borg?