Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Weekend Getaway

So a group of friends and I headed to the North Georgia mountains this weekend for a 3 day break from reality and it was absolutely wonderful. It was just what I needed and by that I mean it was 3 days of hanging out, drinking, random funness, and most importantly forgetting about law school and law school related activities. As much as I love my law school friends, sometime it is just so refreshing to run away and hang out with people who do other things and aren't wrapped up in this warped little world. This weekend was the first time in awhile that I was able to shed all the bitterness, resentment, and constant worry that travels around with me in law school and just relax. It was bliss. So here are a few highlights of the weekend in no particular order.

1) Check-in for our Mountain Cabin:
Rental Lady: Oh, one last thing...be careful going outside after dark
Us: Oh um, is it a bad neighborhood? Like are there gangs?
Rental Lady: Um, no. There are bears.

Yeah, bears. Can we say city kids anyone? Here we are working about gangs and evidently the mountain has a slight bear problem. Good times. Of course we spent the rest of the weekend using bears as a punchline for just about everything. What happened to my keys? Oh the bears must have ate them. Yeah I guess you had to be there for it to be funny.

2) Getting kinda tipsy at the Cork and Crumb. Sampled some great North Georgia wines. If you haven't tried them do so. Best moment of this would be when I realized I hadn't brought my license. Bar guy was just like "What's your birthday real quick like? If I go to jail over you I am going to be pissed" and let me drink anyway. Awesome.

3) Corn Maze. I know it sounds dorky and it totally is but it was super fun. Kevin, Dani, Caleb, and I had a great time even if Caleb and I were horribly bad at navigating. We all agreed that if not for Kevin and Dani ,Caleb and I would have died out there in that maze. Before you judge I would like to point out that it was 5.7 miles of trail over 10 acres and you had to check in at 12 different check points. Yeah it was hard. It was however good times though especially watching other groups mock each other and fight over being lost. Best overheard comment: "Yeah that first couple totally knows what they are doing (K &D) but that other couple (C & I) they are totally clueless." Yep that pretty much summed it up right there. I gave up on trying to read the map about 5 minutes in and just followed and Caleb pretty much gave up too except being a guy felt the need to attempt to look like he knew what the hell was going on when another group got near us. It was great times. I highly recommend if you are a) near a corn maze and b) slightly dorky but in an adorable way

4) Pink Pig BBQ. Yeah it was delicious. Its Jimmy Carter's fav BBQ place and I can see why. Absolutely yummy. I could practically hear my arteries screaming for mercy but I'll just worry about that later.

5) Firepit and s'mores. Need I say more really. S'mores are possibly one of best foods ever created. The only thing that makes them better is alcohol, which we just happened to have tons of on hand.

All and all it was an awesome weekend that also included antique shopping, apple picking, vineyard visiting, Arrested Development watching, and chilling out. Great times!


Anonymous said...

Wine tasting in the Georgia mountains is the best! Especially because I got to do it on a Sunday!

The Mixocologist said...

that sounds awesome.

but what flavor of barbeque is it - mustard, vinegar, what?

Anonymous said...

Megan...went 'camping?'

The world is ending