Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Crazy Times

Well it has been some crazy times since my last post. I have been pretty sick and have discovered that I am pretty allergic to my roommates dogs (well one of them) so I will be moving. It is much sadness but my roomie has been really awesome about it all and its not like we are going to not hang out with each other all the time. So the last week of so has been full of apartment hunting and freaking out about when I could possibly handle moving. After some big misses (ie the apartment that my father said could turn into a fiery inferno of death) I have finally found one. I think its pretty nice, I know people who live in the complex and don't hate it and my father approved of the location (which is a giant hurdle). And best of all, I should be able to both pay the rent and eat, which is something thats value cannot be diminished. Besides the escape from the runny nose and itchy eyes I think tone of the things I am looking most forward to is a dishwasher. How sad am I? I have always been a little hesitant to live in an apartment complex because I like the originality of old houses that have been made into apartments or small little independent blocks of apartments, but honestly I was just freakin tired of looking and decided that I can deal without the charm of a cute little apartment if it means finally having something in my life settled. So the application has been filled out and the security deposit and administration fee paid. Hopefully come late December I will be moving in.
Um... other news. Well, I am officially blonde now and I love it. Its a medium to dark blonde base with two different shades of light blonde highlights. It took forever to get it done (read 3.5 hours in that salon chair) and was hella expensive, but I don't care cause I love it so much. I am also wearing my hair straight now (and almost never in a ponytail ) so its a pretty big change for me. I like the color, I like the cut, and most of all I like that I don't get confused with an 18 -20 year old anymore. I know that eventually I will be glad that I look young but right now I am just damn tired of being confused with a stupid little undergrad.

Another exciting bit is that I have finally buckled down and started working on my paper. I have put myself on a pretty tight deadline and hopefully I will get it all done. It won't be fun, but I just keep thinking about how sweet it will be when I am finally finished with it. In other school news, I have a pretty crap schedule for next semester as I decided to suck it up and take 2 or 3 classes that cover material on the bar. I am sure it will be kinda hellish but hopefully it will make studying for the bar a little less horrifying this summer, and its not all sadness I will be taking a class on children in the courts and hopefully a family law internship so those should help balance out my schedule. Currently I am also signed up for an accounting class for attorneys next semester so watch out world yours truly is going to be working with numbers. This can only lead to tragedy and tears. Whose tragedy and tears it will be has yet to be determined.

Well that is it for now. PR (professional responsibility for you non-lawyers) is coming to a close so my post must end. And before you ask yes I am aware of the irony of doing the unprofessional act of blogging during my PR class, but believe me if you were in here you would be surfing the web too.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on finding an apartment! Even though I do have one of those old house "unique" apartments, some of my best times were spent when I lived in a complex. Sorry I have been MIA. I've basically been on a mini-sabbatical in the woods a la John Cusack's character in "America's Sweethearts." Hope you have a good rest of the week.

The Mixocologist said...

I like the green!

It's veterans day? What the hell is that?

Anonymous said...

1. Send pictures!

2.When should we change your address? ::cough holiday stuff cough::