Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sweet Child O' Mine

What the hell is wrong with Washington state conservatives??? The Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance has filed an initiative that if passed would require heterosexual couples to have kids within three years or else have their marriage annulled. Under the initiative couples would be required to prove they can have children in order to get a marriage license, and if they did not have children within three years, their marriage would be subject to annulment. I mean come on, Seriously??? What the hell are these people thinking? So now not only do they hate homosexuals but they are against people with fertility issues or couples who choose not to have kids? Yeah all this country needs is to force even more people to have kids who don't want them. Good call! And I love the rich irony that if this were to go through it would most likely just encourage more people to just cohabitate and that the people proposing this legislation are most likely the same people who are opposed to couples who "live in sin" without the sanctity of marriage. Its crap like this that makes me proud to be a liberal.


asbeeus said...

well this is one more way to convince couples to continue living in "sin" instead of going through the hassel of marriage.

Anonymous said...

OMG this is INSANE! But at least its not in SC... this seems like something that we should have done.

Anonymous said...

I don't know that this really does have anything to do with "sin." Maybe I'm just slow, but I can't see what this could possibly accomplish at all in any conceivable (no pun intended) way. These people are obviously on the stongest of drugs.

Lisa said...

I leave town for one day and A. starts a new blog and you totally revamp yours!

I love the new look. It's fun. Ya'll have even inspired me to write a new post. Of course it's random and very stream-of-consciousness. Faulker would approve.

asbeeus said...


-By "sin" I was refering to living together with a person of the other sex who you are in a romantic relationship. Some people/religions view that as a sinful activity. I put it in quotes because I don't think its sinful.

Anonymous said...

Alexis, I'm pretty religious myself, but I wasn't referring to your comment. No worries...

Lisa said...

CNN has picked up on your story . . .

Anonymous said...

You know that sound Lewis Black makes when he gets confused? Yeah....THAT'S F**ked up.
All started with Starbucks as the evil empire of the world....this is what happens when you try and steal someone's mojo and it turns into failure.