Wrath of the Math
So in a strange and sad twist of events my crazy-ass Accounting for Attorneys professor has decided that our exam for our 1 hour class should be about 1-2 hours (we are given 3) which by the way is too long in my humble opinion. And in the best part (ie the crazy part) of this exam news is that we are not allowed a formula sheet nor a calculator. Okay so I can pretty much be okay with the whole no formula thing but his reasoning is seriously flawed. In his view "real" attorneys wouldn't use a formula because you don't have time to look at your notes in the practice of law. What crack is he smoking? Yeah your right as attorneys we must do everything by memory. "Oh you don't remember all the small details of an important part of your case? Well too damn bad, you can't look at your notes." Has he never seen anyone practice? I have seen numerous attorneys and judges who take a minute to read over notes. Its really not that big of a deal. And if math is coming into play then everyone, including the judge, whips out palm pilots or cell phones and does the calculations. No freak out over the break or the use of calculators. However in my profs' crazy little world, attorneys don't use calculators because the power could go out. Um...riiiiight. What attorneys are these? Cause in my internship office we have calculators everywhere and they also happen to be solar powered. I just don't understand his logic he is like doing long division is just something you should be able to do as an attorney/accountant. Well okay fine I can do it but I don't think we should rely on my mental math skills especially not in some hypothetical future situation where millions of dollars are at sake. What dumb ass wants someone who does financials by pen and paper?! Is it really worth potentially losing your clients a bunch of money so that you can kick it old school? Calculators were made for a reason and that reason is poor math skills. Grr... this class has been nothing buy a pain in my ass from day one and I see nothing is going to change here on the last day. I swear to goodness if I fail this class based on math errors that could have easily been avoided by actually using technology I will "hop on him" and kick some f'in ass.
I'll hop on him with ya.
I'm actually mad about the entire thing. If I'm allowed to use a calculator and outline in my hard as hell tax class with a professor who actually used to be a real live tax attorney, what in the hell am I gaining by being forced to do long division of percentages by hand?
I think your professor is stupid. He's fallen into that trap of "lets make law school as different from real life as possible." I think they think this builds character or something. Guess what? IT DOESN'T.
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