Quick Updates
1) Hooray! My computer has come back to me with a new wireless card and a brand new spiffy monitor cause evidently mine was about a month away from just falling off. Now the only problem is that my power cord is trying to die on me. I swear if its not one thing its another with me.
2) I'm having one of those life is beating me down kinda weeks so far. I am going to try and have a real post but right now I am sorta drowning.
3) Unless something else super big happens that I need to rant about my next rant will be about one of the groups of people I hate most at the the school: Bitchy newly married girls that just got married over the summer and failed to bring her sorry ass down to the registrar to change her last name yet still have the nerve to get hella pissed when anyone (including professors) fails to magically know her new and improved married name. Just thinking about it gets me angry.
All I've got to say is sigh. And I know who you're talking about!
"New and improved"...? Interestingly the old name was better than the new name in my opinion.
heh..ya see Meg..this is why I studying abroad in my 3rd year of law school. When people ask me "well Chris why did you go to Hong Kong" I tell em "because it was the farthest place on earth from my law school."
1. Chris! Hi!
2. Nice friends reference in the next post.
3. Thought of you last night...
Fav quote #1: CRISTINA: "He has sex with you and he's standing there all McGuilty and all he has to say is, 'What does this mean?'"
4. Fav. Quote #2, it feels like me, and becasue I just laughed about Al Gore and Jon Stewart:
FINN: "I know you think you're scary and damaged, and that you don't deserve good things... but you do."
MEREDITH: "Dark and twisty..."
FINN: "Take all the time you need... But if there's a race -- a ring -- I just want you to know, my hat is in
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