Movin' On Up
Since I have officially not been a law student for about a month now, I decided to finally get of my bum and start up the new blog. So here it is. Excitement is sure to follow.
I'm in my 3rd year of law school and unfortunately I have come to the conclusion that law might not be for me. Sure I love Law and Order and of course I want to be Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men when he screams "I want the truth!" and the witness immediately breaks down and admits everything, but doesn't everyone? I am fastly realizing that I probably don't really want to be a lawyer, instead I want to play one on TV.
Since I have officially not been a law student for about a month now, I decided to finally get of my bum and start up the new blog. So here it is. Excitement is sure to follow.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
2:31 PM
about Johnathan Coulton. Fantastic YouTube find... First is one of his cover songs. Its perhaps one of the most awesome covers evah! Make sure you watch it all cause it just gets better and better as the song progresses.
But honestly can you expect anything less from a man who has a song called "Tom Cruise Crazy" and an ode to Ikea?? If you want to check out more of his songs you can find them here.
Oh and speaking of Tom Cruise craziness I also found a great clip of Dane Cook Impersonating Tom on the Jimmy Kimmel show. Hum, perhaps I am spending a bit too much time on YouTube, but what could I possibly be trying to avoid by doing so??
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
1:03 PM
So after posting about my rejection of the Ally McBeal option for the new blog title, I started thinking about the show and how much I loved it for the first 2ish seasons (i.e. before it got all weird with Billy having mood issues because of getting a brain tumor and then dying). So in an effort to keep the posts coming and for everyone's enjoyment I have decided to post a link to one of my favorite Ally moments (even though Ally herself is not actually present).
So Here it is : John "The Biscuit" Cage's Famous Barry White Dance
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
6:17 PM
Sorry to all that I have been so insanely slack about updating. Umm, I really don't have an excuse other than to say that Bar Review has zapped all my creativity and desire to blog and my weekends have been hectic with multiple graduations in the family, my birthday, and multiple family birthdays. Basically I have just sucked it, so sorry to any readers who normally rely on me for procrastination material. No long post tonight as I am pretty exhausted but I promise to soon update more on the excitement that is my life. I will really try to at least make a post once or twice a week.
However for now I have decided that I really do need to pick a final name for the new blog cause its bothering me that this blog title is no longer accurate. Dorky thing to be bothered by I know, but this is me we are talking about. So I have decided to stay away from the Ally McBeal thing after the sound reminder by Bonney that being like her isn't necessarily a bad thing. Being a "20 something single attorney" might not have always been my life's plan but frankly its pretty damn spiffy. This is of course said in the spirit that I will soon find employment because adding "unemployed" to the beginning of the above mentioned description does make it a bit less awesome
So Back on topic. This decision leaves me with my final two options(in no particular order):
1) I Strenuously Object (if you don't get this title watch of A Few Good Men right NOW)
2) Ramblings of a Frazzled Mind (cause even on my best of days I am a bit frazzled)
Please let me know which you like best cause I want to change it over this weekend and I really can't decide.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
10:54 PM
FINALLY!!!!! I have internet at my house again!!!!! I am no longer doing the shady act of "borrowing internet" and have fact broken down and started paying for it. Yay being legal!
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
10:14 AM
In honor of starting SC Bar Review today and the Evidence section of the Multi-State, I thought I would post a link to our old friend the Hearsay Exception Video. Enjoy!
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
4:50 PM
So yeah its been a while since I have managed a post but its not because I don't care about all you loyal blog readers (all 6 of you- two of whom are my sisters). No instead I have just been crazy busy with the whole law school coming to an end thing, exams, sending out billions of resumes, freaking out about a future potentially filled with joblessness and homelessness, planning a graduation get together, preparing for graduation, worrying about the bar exam, trying to take care of my mental and physical health, and of course staying up to date on Grey's and Heroes. Sigh...what a busy life I lead.
However I think the biggest culprit in my lack of attention is a loss of my beloved "borrowed" internet. Ever since December when I moved into my new apartment I have been lucky enough to escape paying for internet but sadly that ship has sailed. I won't lie. It has been horrible! Although I must say in my defense, I did go out and buy the Verizon Wireless Broadband Internet Card only for it to suck some hardcore ass!! Yeah I said it...this card was shit. I went though the whole process of getting it from the store and installing it on my computer only for it to not work in my apartment even though the sales guy assured me it would work anywhere there was a Verizon signal. So I called up the tech support line to see what I had done wrong and he informed me that it "often has problems with reception indoors" What the Hell??!! Who is the target market for this product? People who live and work in treehouses? Or maybe the well-to-do, laptop carrying, on-the-go homeless person? And to add insult to injury they forgot to inform me that there was to be an additional $25 "activation fee" tacked onto my monthly bill. What "activation" occurred? I mean I did all the installation and it didn't even freakin' work. All the Verizon people did was give me the crappy card and a list of instructions. It cost them $25 for this?? Needless to say the card has gone back to Verizon and I got great satisfaction in yelling at them. So its back to checking my email at school or at Panera. Its not a great plan and eventually I will have to break down and just get cable internet. Grr... one more thing to spend money on.
So in other excitement I have another job interview lined up with a solicitor's office in the Upstate. They want to interview even though they do not currently have a position available, but evidently the solicitor was "so impressed with your resume that he wanted to interview you in hopes that something opens up later this summer" Boo-yah!! Now if only I could impress someone who was actually sure they will be able to give me a job.
Um other than that motivation for studying and caring about school is dangerously low. I think it is a good thing that I am graduating in 2 weeks, because I shutter to think about how apathetic I would be if I had another year left. It would be bad business I tell you.
Okay must force myself to go back to studying for the 2 exams I have left. Cause it would be damn crappy to fail out my last semester of law school. I would have to implement my whole "fake my own death and move to a country with no extradition policy" life plan to escape my massive law school debt, and frankly I don't really want to have to take that step because most of those countries pretty much suck it and I am not a girl who is good with the "roughing it" approach to life. Give me running water and electricity any day.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
3:51 PM
With the upcoming graduation, providing of course that I don't fail out, I will no longer be an apathetic law student. So for that reason I must re-name my blog. Thoughts? So far the front runner is "How Did I End Up Like Ally McBeal" as I never thought I would be a single 20-something attorney who is kinda searching for herself yet her I am. And lets face it I am kinda quirky like her...I mean I don't see any dancing babies or anything but I have my moments. Um other options have been thrown out such as "How Did I End Up Here," "Ramblings of a Frazzled Mind" Thoughts on these or possible others? Vote now and vote often.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
7:45 AM
So in a strange and sad twist of events my crazy-ass Accounting for Attorneys professor has decided that our exam for our 1 hour class should be about 1-2 hours (we are given 3) which by the way is too long in my humble opinion. And in the best part (ie the crazy part) of this exam news is that we are not allowed a formula sheet nor a calculator. Okay so I can pretty much be okay with the whole no formula thing but his reasoning is seriously flawed. In his view "real" attorneys wouldn't use a formula because you don't have time to look at your notes in the practice of law. What crack is he smoking? Yeah your right as attorneys we must do everything by memory. "Oh you don't remember all the small details of an important part of your case? Well too damn bad, you can't look at your notes." Has he never seen anyone practice? I have seen numerous attorneys and judges who take a minute to read over notes. Its really not that big of a deal. And if math is coming into play then everyone, including the judge, whips out palm pilots or cell phones and does the calculations. No freak out over the break or the use of calculators. However in my profs' crazy little world, attorneys don't use calculators because the power could go out. Um...riiiiight. What attorneys are these? Cause in my internship office we have calculators everywhere and they also happen to be solar powered. I just don't understand his logic he is like doing long division is just something you should be able to do as an attorney/accountant. Well okay fine I can do it but I don't think we should rely on my mental math skills especially not in some hypothetical future situation where millions of dollars are at sake. What dumb ass wants someone who does financials by pen and paper?! Is it really worth potentially losing your clients a bunch of money so that you can kick it old school? Calculators were made for a reason and that reason is poor math skills. Grr... this class has been nothing buy a pain in my ass from day one and I see nothing is going to change here on the last day. I swear to goodness if I fail this class based on math errors that could have easily been avoided by actually using technology I will "hop on him" and kick some f'in ass.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
7:18 AM
Well I am constantly trying and finally some of that effort is paying off. Thanks in large part to Alexis' tip I now have a job interview for a public defender position in the Upstate. Hooray!! Big time excitement! I was really starting to freak out about being forever jobless and fate has decided to throw me a bone with this interview. Even if I end up not getting it, I have at least been given a scrap of hope that I will not end up living in a cardboard box and talking to my imaginary cat. Huzzah!
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
10:37 AM
So good times moment of the day: my cell phone went off hella loud in the middle of class. Oh and have I mentioned that the ring is "Pop Goes My Heart" from "Music and Lyrics" and that evidently my ringer was set on high so it was ridiculously loud? Oh Yeah, super embarrassing. Sigh...good thing I wasn't in court.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
10:54 AM
So in the newest installment in the annoying actions of law students that tick me off I suggest the habit of coming in late and then snagging someone else’s seat. There are multiple levels of this annoyance.
Firstly, being late is rude. Sure everyone is late sometimes from something coming up last minute but many people in my 9 o’clock class make a habit of it. If I can get my Secured Transactions- hating ass out of bed then so can you!
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
8:58 AM
So as you have all guessed from my blog name and much of its content, especially my first post and my beat down list, I pretty much hate law school and highly dislike many of my schoolmates. I mean I really really do hate it but sometimes just saying that isn't enough. I mean a picture is worth a thousand words right? So I decided to post a video that was made by schoolmates of mine for our annual talent/no-talent show entitled Curious Life of Law Students. It pretty much sums up most of the sketchy ass people in law school and many of the reasons that I hate them all. Personally I could have come-up with a few other notable groups like "the overzealous gunner" (see 'Tis the Season for my rant on them), the "Trying desperately to get in her professor's pants" girls, the "Law Review or Die" crowd, or "Oh I don't want to actually practice, I'm just here for a rich husband" devotees...but all in all a good little commentary on law school. Please also notice that the directors refer to this video as a documentary and not a mocumentary as each of these "characters" really do exist and thrive at law school. And the saddest thing about this video is that outside a small group of us (who already live a jaded, bitter law school hatin' lives) most of the school probably didn't get that it was mocking the f'ed up little world that is law school and their part in making it spin madly on.
*excellent song by The Weepies
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
11:22 PM
Truer words have never been spoken. Hell hath no fury like a pissed-off teenager making 6 bucks an hour to watch some little brats when she would rather be anywhere else.
And why am I talking about this you may ask? Well, its because I have just discovered the next horrific stop in Hollywood's attempt to ruin every classic movie with a remake as mentioned in Alexis' blog. What piece of my childhood are they messing with now, you ask? Well as you have most likely already guessed by the title of this post, Disney, in a moment of memory-crushing glory,is remaking "Adventures in Babysitting" and it will star Raven and Miley Cyrus (of Hannah Montana and being Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter fame).
For the love of all that is holy, why?!! First and foremost, this movie should never be remade. I mean it just shouldn't. It is one of those movies that everyone growing up in the 1980s has seen (or should have seen) and looks back on with nostalgia. If you say something about "No one leaves this place without singing the blues" most people our age are going to know what you are referencing. And no one will ever better than Elizabeth Shue as Chris. Please tell me what girl between the ages of 22-30 has not at one point danced around to "And Then He Kissed Me" with the curtain wrapped around her head a la Elizabeth Shue's opening scene (or at least wanted to)? In fact, just tonight Alexis and I were reminiscing about this very scene. And Disney must we really pour salt into my open wounds by casting Raven "I can't act my way out of a paper bag if my life depended on it" Simone and Hannah Montana??? Why not just cast that annoying Corbin Bleu kid with the crazy hair and really bring on the pain?
Disney, I am begging you please please please don't do this! Have we learned nothing from the slaying of another 1980's classic when "Can't Buy Me Love" was butchered into the horrible "Love Don't Cost a Thing"?! Leave my childhood alone and go back to making "Cinderella 13: Lucifer the Cat's Revenge" or "Mighty Ducks 10: The Retirement Years." Disney just move on because Chris Parker had it right when she warned, "Don't Fuck with the Babysitter."
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
11:27 PM
Overheard on main campus by an angry undergrad screaming into his phone: "She is a shit and hope she suffers..." Nothing like love and compassion to make the world a little brighter.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
12:59 PM
And this one time I was so strung out I decided that it would be really cool if I snorted my dad's ashes
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! You can always count on Keith Richards to take it to that next level.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
9:55 PM
So in some sad news I adopted an awesome Shih Tzu on Thursday named Sophie only to find out that I am too allergic to keep her. I have had dog allergy problems in the past but I was really confident that with more medication and getting an “hypoallergenic” dog that I would be okay as I have been doing better around other people's dogs, but unfortunately it is not working out that way. Unfortunately I am really itchy around her and get rashes and/or hives if I have to be in really close proximity to her or hold her for more than a few seconds and have started to have some breathing issues too. Evidently the medicine is just not cutting it. I think that some of the cause for my elevated reaction to her is that she has some skin problems so she is constantly scratching herself thus kicking up dander and licking/chewing-on herself thus exposing me to lots of saliva. And since dander and saliva are the 2 things most people are allergic too, I think that it is not meant to be. I was forced to weigh the pros vs. cons for both me and her and I finally came to the hard conclusion that it would be better for both her and me if she got a new family. It is really sad to get rid of her as I already really love her and she is a great little dog, but it must be done. My head knows that I need to focus on my heath first and foremost but my heart is feeling heavy from bringing her back to the shelter. The only thing that is making me feel better is that it is a great shelter that is no kill and I am very confident that she will get re-adopted very quickly as she is a purebred who is well behaved and super sweet. Ultimately I know that she will have a better life with a family who can play with her and snuggle with her the way she deserves, but still I can’t help but feel sad and a bit guilty that I am letting her go. Sigh…so keep Sophie in your thoughts and hope that she gets a great new family that loves her.
UPDATE: Evidently Sophie was adopted within 5 minutes of me bringing her in, so hopefully she is now all settled into her new home and loving it.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
10:58 AM
So in the ever exciting and glamorous life I lead, I spent last Friday night at my sisters'
And to make this night even more fun pretty much every act featured music from High School Musical, Hannah Montana (Disney show featuring Billy Ray Cyrus’ daughter as a high school student that has a secret double life as a world famous pop star), or a evangelical Christian sing-along song (don’t even get me started on Christian songs at school…evidently I am the only person in my parent's town who cares about separation between church and State). For those of you not familiar with High School Musical it was a made for the Disney Channel musical that became a ginormous phenomenon in the tween world. It has become one of the biggest selling DVD, a multi-platinum CD, spurned as sold out touring show, and has a sequel in the works. It is so freakin popular that at Christmas both my mother and I had to stalk Best Buy for days to ensure that my sisters had a copy of the special addition with Sing and Dance Along. Every single child in my parents neighborhood has memorized ever word and every dance step. This musical is like crack for children! Its actually pretty cute the first time you see it but damn after about 20 kids singing or dancing to “Get’cha Head in the Game” or “Bop to the Top” you are ready to rush the stage and beat down the CD player. And then as some cruel twist of fate some wizard decided that the best music to play before the show and during the 30 freakin minute intermission was the freakin’ “High School Musical” soundtrack. Seriously?!
Also I just have to say if you have ever wondered why we have such a problem with teenage pregnancy look no further than an elementary school talent show and you will see the rampant over-sexualizing of young girls. I swear there where 10 year old girls that if I were to attempt them would make me, a fairly liberal 25 year old woman, blush. I mean I don’t like to consider myself a prude but I mean Damn Gina! Some of these girls were bumping and grinding it so hard that they just a pole away from a very lucrative career in “adult entertainment.” In the name of all that is holy why do we condone young girls to act like this? And its not like they just made this stuff up on their own, a few of the 5th graders did a dance routine they learned on the cheerleading squad that was, in my humble opinion, very inappropriate for 10 year old CHILDREN. And its not just dance moves, its also the stuff these girls were wearing. Yes it was a talent show so they were costumes, but I saw at least 5 costumes that would be right at home in Paris Hilton’s closet. Were are these girls’ parents? If my child were to try to walk out dressed like that…wait a minute I forgot I would be the adult and refused to allow my daughter to buy that trash. Sigh...maybe I am a prude but I can’t make myself feel bad about that.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
11:01 PM
So if you haven't checked out Overheard in Law School yet I recommend you to do. It honestly makes me laugh out loud some time. Nice to know that law students and professors everywhere are pretty much the same. Here are some of the recent gems...
Professor: What do you think, Mr. Student?
Student: I'm sorry, I wasn't uhhhhh...awake.
Professor: You weren't awake?!?! (stares in disbelief)
3L #1: I don't want to keep reading for school. I read most of the important chunk of one case, is that enough?
3L #2: I opened the damn book and I feel like I've done enough
2Ls are comparing photos on their student IDs.
2L guy: 2L girl, you look nice in your picture. Like you're really happy.
2L girl: I know. I was happy. They took the picture before we started law school.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
12:24 PM
Nothing all the exciting to report other than the fact that I survived a week of having the flu, bronchitis, and strep all at once. Cause when I get sick I don't half-ass it! During this week I battled a fever of 104, had more drugs in my system than the Rolling Stones in the 60s, and killed 3 boxes of tissues, but by God, I triumphed! I really have nothing witty or funny to add to this as the only things I have seen this week are my bed, my futon, and my TV. However if you have any questions about bad made-for-tv movies, old episodes of ER, or the Sabrina the Teenage Witch marathon (yes I know its sad, but desperate times my friends) then I am your girl.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
9:45 AM
Yep that's me! So I'm at court yesterday for my internship and we are representing a wife in a divorce case where there are allegations of infidelity by the husband. So all is going well and after about 15 minutes of sitting with the attorney I intern with and our client I go to get a drink of water. At said water fountain a guy starts flirting with me rather heavily. How exciting a guy flirting with you, you may think. Is he hot?? Well, not so fast there....yeah its the husband we are opposing!! What the hell? Needless to say I am a bit creeped out. Here is the exchange between us after his flirting and me choking on water in realizing who he is:
Me: Do you know who I am?
Him: No, should I? Cause I definitely want to
Me: Um, yeah... I work for Jane
Him: huh?
Me: Jane Doe
Him: (staring blankly)
Me: (pointing) I'm a law clerk for Jane Doe....your wife's attorney
Him: Oh
Me: yeah I'm helping represent your wife in her know, the one where she claims you cheated on her
Him: Oh No
Me: Oh Yes, smart guy
Him: maybe we should just talk later
Me: Or perhaps not at all. I mean dude I read your file.
That's right I attract the winners! And my mom was worried I wouldn't meet any quality men if I practiced family law.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
3:09 PM
Yet another crazy guy claiming to be Christ
Why are people willing to buy into this crap? Are they just so desperate for faith that they will latch onto anything? It just makes me sad.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
11:40 AM
Maybe its just me but I think that there are lines that the media should not cross when it covers stories. And one of those lines I feel strongly about is what pictures you are willing to use. Currently on the main page of CNN there is a picture to go along with the top story of a Utah Mall Shooting. Okay fine, but this picture shows what looks to be a dead teenager sprawled on the floor with a police officer casually looking on. Maybe its just me but I think there is something very wrong with that. I can't help but feel heartbreak for this kid's family. Its horrible enough finding out a loved one has been gunned down, but I can't imagine the horror of having to see a picture of your child/parent/friend laying dead and seemingly uncared for splashed all over the media. I am all for free press and showing graphic pictures are sometimes the only way to show the truth (i.e. war zones) but I think in this case the line was crossed. Its one thing to show victims being taken from the scene by rescue workers or maybe even a wide shot of the scene that doesn't focus on any one person but it is quite another to show this type of close shot....basic human dignity is missing. Maybe I am just oversensitive, but I think this is just wrong. Shame on you CNN! When Fox News covers a story with more dignity and respect than you do, you know you have sunken to a new low.
Update: evidently someone at CNN agrees with me as now there is a slightly less offensive picture up. I still don't like it as I think its rather callous but at least it doesn't show the victim as a forgotten body. We shall see how CNN proceeds...
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
9:25 AM
Hooray for the Dixie Chicks kicking some ass and taking some names at Sunday's Grammy Awards. They totally cleaned up winning all 5 awards they were nominated for including album of the year (for "Taking the Long Way"), song of the year and record of the year (both for "Not Ready to Make Nice"). I can't even imagine how gratifying it must have been for them on many levels. This album was their comeback after the whole Bush thing and it is the first time they wrote all the material themselves. Add to that the award is coming when the country radio community is still pretty much committed to shunning them. Yeah, I can guess they are feeling pretty good about it all, and I have to say I think they totally deserve it. The stuck to their beliefs and held their ground even when it was really unpopular and began to jeopardize their careers. Oh and they ended up making a truly beautiful and amazing album that is a work of art and in my opinion is their best work yet. Well done, Dixie Chicks!
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
1:22 AM
What the hell is wrong with
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
1:15 AM
Saw Shut Up & Sing this week and I highly recommend. It’s a documentary following the Dixie Chicks through the aftermath of the now infamous “We are ashamed the President of the
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
11:40 AM
For those of you who are not aware I was a TFAer way back in 2003 for all of about 4 months at which point I dropped out after some pretty horrible conditions. And before you judge just know that I really stressed and felt guilty about it and I was not alone in leaving (just in my area there were 10 of us within the first 4 months). I ended up both physically and emotionally injured from the experience and feeling very lost and disillusioned for a good six months after the whole ordeal. Adding insult to injury I later found out that my TFA roomie semi-stole my identity and messed up my credit. Thanks TFA! Needless to say I spent a good amount of time being pretty damn bitter about the whole experience. As time went on I tried to put a more positive spin on it and if anyone asked about it I would just smile and say that it was a great life lesson and it helped me to learn a lot about myself and although I didn’t have a great, or even good, experience I didn’t think the entire program was flawed. At first that was just complete crap…I just didn’t want to talk about all the badness or seem so jaded and angry. Plus who wants to admit that the decision they were so excited and somewhat smug about was a gianormously huge mistake. But then over time I thought that it was actually becoming true, you know, the whole time heals all wounds kinda thing. I really distanced myself from the whole experience and I realized that if I ever talked about my experiences it was as if I was telling someone else’s story. Sure I almost jumped through the phone and beat down someone when I received a solicitation for donations as I was a “valued alumni,” but I thought my feelings for them had softened. I thought I really had got over being ticked off and feeling that TFA took advantage of me.
Yeah guess I was wrong, because on Monday night I was watching The Colbert Report and his guest was Wendy Kopp, the founder of Teach for
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
9:53 AM
It is official I am an alum of the coolest University evah! We are so awesome that His Holiness the Dalai Lama is now an Emory professor. Sweetness!
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
2:42 PM
I watched the documentary Jesus Camp tonight and all I can say is WOW! I mean I was aware that people like that existed and everything but actually seeing it....damn. For those of you that aren't familiar with the film, it documents Pastor Becky Fisher and participants in her "Kids on Fire" Evangelical summer camp. To say that it is disturbing is completely understating my feelings. So many things just made me gasp, some examples: 1) "Let me tell you something about Harry Potter. Warlocks are enemies of god. They're an enemy of God. And, had it been in the old testament, Harry Potter would of been put to death. You don't make heroes out of warlocks." (not that she hated HP but that she told a bunch of kids that as Christians they would have killed him if he were real) and 2) how the camp people made a prophet of Bush, and 3) 5-6 year old kids "talking in tongues" as they prayed to stop abortion. I definitely recommend watching Jesus Camp as I was definitely fascinated and if for no other reason than to get a glimpse into the life of fundamentalist Christians, but be prepared to be more than a bit freaked out.
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
11:41 PM
Overheard comment while waiting for class:
1L in legal writing section: "So can I get extra credit if I come by your office hours?"
Umm....I am sorry, did we just hope in our time machines back to 10th grade?! This is law school. Professors do not want you trying to crawl up their ass and for the most part they don't really give a damn about whether or not you take advantage of office hours. Office hours are held because they are required as a condition of employment for professors, not because they have some deep-seated need to hold your hand. Most professors are not crying themselves to sleep at night because no one comes to his/her office hours (notable exceptions to this rule include Prof. S). Professors have their own research and professional agendas and you coming to visit them in office hours only interrupts that process. Now most professors are more than happy to help you once you get there because they do want you to succeed especially when you are willing to make the extra effort, but they certainly don't want to provide an incentive so every student will roll into their office with no specific question or plan but instead just wanting the face time to get the extra credit. Seriously, how have you made it this far in law school and still be this clueless?
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
11:46 AM
(Warning: I am back and so is my soapbox)
Today is Martin Luther King Day and unlike other years where I have just let that fact slip by without much thought other than how I get a day of no classes, I decided to really think about Dr. King and his legacy. So I hauled out my Penguin Book of Twentieth Century Speeches that I have kept from undergrad (the book is awesome, fyi) and re-read Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, and honestly I couldn’t help but feel a bit sad. For all the positively and feelings of hope instilled in the message of his address and for all of the changes that have occurred since then, it also served as a brutal reminder of how far we as a nation have yet to go. I couldn’t help but wonder if Dr. King’s dream would ever be realized and how long that realization would take, because to me that speech could very well have been written yesterday. Sure we have done away with institutionalized segregation and bigotry but have we gotten to a place where we can stand-up and call each other sisters and brothers? Are we not still a land full of segregation and oppression?
If you don’t think segregation and oppression still exist talk to a Mexican immigrant who is accused of stealing American jobs, live a life in the day of a young Islamic-American man who is often regarded as terror suspect in his own country, or go to a small southern town with an all-white community pool and golf club. We still judge people by the color of their skin and not by the strength of their character. We still judge people by their socio-economic status and not on their own attributes. Racism and hatred still fester and bring pain and suffering.
I hope that Dr. King’s message will reach out and inspire a new generation to strive to achieve those dreams and to break free from the confines of maintaining the status quo. Our generation needs to pick up the banner so artfully and passionately carried by Dr. King and his contemporaries and finally be the change he envisioned. In the words of Dr. King, “Now is the time to make real the promises of Democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God’s children. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.” It is my sincere hope that in another 44 years my grandchildren will read Dr. King’s speech and feel nothing but hope and inspiration. I want for them to have difficulty seeing any similarities between the
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Ms. Public Defender
5:29 PM
So another holiday season has come to an end and I am sad to report that I think I have come to the conclusion that the holidays will never be able to achieve the ridiculously high expectations I put on them. Every year I am filled with the heady thought that this year will be the year that breaks the trend of less then stellar holiday experiences. I am swept in with the beautiful music and the idea of being filled with joy, thanksgiving, and being blessed. I bop around singing my favorite carols, getting intense joy out finding the perfect gift and start to think that maybe the world is a little brighter then it thought. But then comes the actual holiday time and it never pans out how I expect it to. I end up getting bummed out by the over commercialized gimmy-gimmy attitude of Americans, get pissed about the ridiculous traffic, and overwhelmed by my family. Then I start to feel guilty about no longer being filled with joy, thanksgiving, and hope and that just adds so much to the whole holiday funness. It’s never a bad holiday but it’s never a truly great one either. I just have to learn to accept that just because I love Christmas carols and the ultra-conceptual idea of a perfect family holiday doesn’t mean I love the actuality of the real holiday season.
And if by some chance you find somewhere to be alone it never fails that within 5 minutes someone will have tracked you down to ask you what you are doing and most likely if you are mad at them. No one in my family seems to get that sometimes I just need some freakin down time. I’m not mad, I am just exhausted. This might be hard to get if you never met them so to clarify I will share that more than once friends have commented that they think of my family after watching “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” or “Cheaper by the Dozen.” I always love spending time with them but sometimes it reminds me of a George Burns quote, “Happiness is having a large close knit family in another city.” All in all I love them to death and wouldn’t trade them for anything but sometimes you need to vent and if you can’t vent on your blog then where can you?
Posted by
Ms. Public Defender
11:47 PM