Saturday, September 30, 2006

Kevin Bacon Can Kiss My Ass!

I swear to goodness anywhere I go there Kevin Bacon and his film crew are getting in my way. For those of you that either don't live here in Colatown or do but have been living under a rock, Kevin Bacon is filming here in town and he is evidently determined to inconvenience me as much as possible. I would write more but my friend Ellis has done a better job conveying his hatred of Mr. Bacon so I will just direct you to his two posts. Check out his blog The Mixocologist for all the anti-Kevin Bacon goodness.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Things that make me want to beat down other law students -part 1

FYI: These annoyances are in no real order than how they pop up in my head. And be prepared I am in a bitter rant kind of a mood.

Annoying and bitchy girls who get married over the summer (particularly between 2L and 3L) who then lord their newly married status over everyone and anyone like they somehow managed to broker world peace or have become the great and powerful Oz. I mean seriously people get over it. You got married. Hurrah. So did like a zillion other people and most of them have not let it go to their head. But you oh bitchy one, have no problem calling out students and professors alike for committing the unforgivable act of referring to you by a name that up until about 3 months ago you had gone by for your entire freakin life. Truth be told you only have about a 50% shot of not getting divorced anyway. Now add your bitchy superior attitude and that stat probably takes a freakin nose dive. So calm the f down. If you couldn't be bothered to get your lazy ass down to the registrar at some point to inform them of your new name and have the roster updated, then don't be pissed when your professors and classmates fail to consult their magical crystal ball to figure out that now you (who is listed on the role as Ms. Buffay) will now only answer to Mrs. Banana-Hammock. It's not an f'in Greek tragedy and its not going to shake the very foundation of our society for you to just answer when your professor asks for Ms. Buffay. We all know that its still you. Its not like you joined the witness protection program. You just got married. Grow-up and stop giving married people a bad name.

Editor's Note: I would like to point out that I have no problem with all the women who did tell the registrar and had their name changed. More power to you to go by your new married name. I appreciate that you took the time to go through the proper steps and that while you prefer your married name you will most likely still answer to your maiden name. You are not the people this rant is referring to.

1Ls who on the first day of classes form study groups in the common area. There are so many things wrong with this. 1st: the common area (especially in the first week) is for socializing not for serious studying so stop glaring at the rest of us over your Torts book and the Emanuel's you only bought cause some random 2L you met in the bookstore told you it was awesome. If you insist on being that study oriented already then find somewhere else. We are not going to be quiet for you. 2nd: why are you already breaking up into study groups? You have no idea if these people are: a) idiots, b) assholes, c) remotely similar in studying techniques, or d) have the same basic law school philosophy as you: slacker, gunner, or a mix of the two. 3rd: why would you brand yourself as a 1L? You are probably already giving off the "I'm scared out of my mind and am completely lost" vibe, why are you adding to that by being a study bug on the first day. Do you have an overwhelming desire to be mocked?


People who only ask you what you are going to do after law school just so they can pretty much cut you off to tell you all about their fabulous post-graduation job offer. These people seem to get a perverse sort joy of hearing you say you don't know and then you can physically feel their attitude of smug superiority. All I have to say is Hooray for you! I am glad that you have a job and honestly I hope it is a good fit for you. I hope that if you are an asshole (which chances are high you are since you just pulled the "ask about you only to highlight how awesome I am" move) you are rewarded with a job at a firm that is filled with other assholes so you can make each other miserable. I hope that you get exactly what you have worked so hard to get: cut-throat competitiveness, backstabbing, 90 hour work weeks, tiny dark cubicles, angry bitter superiors, and fellow associates that would gladly throw you under the bus if it meant a scrap of positive reinforcement from a partners. Congratulations baby, you earned it! So you just go on looking down on me for not having a job yet. In twenty years we shall see who has the drinking problem and 3 failed marriages and who has the last laugh after all.

Embarassing Moment of the Day

So I may or may not have accidently sent a print job to the Westlaw printer for 855 pages. Awesome. And the best thing about it I may or may not have been working on a draft for my post on people at law school who annoy me. People now included on that list: people like me who print 800+ pages.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Quick Updates

1) Hooray! My computer has come back to me with a new wireless card and a brand new spiffy monitor cause evidently mine was about a month away from just falling off. Now the only problem is that my power cord is trying to die on me. I swear if its not one thing its another with me.

2) I'm having one of those life is beating me down kinda weeks so far. I am going to try and have a real post but right now I am sorta drowning.

3) Unless something else super big happens that I need to rant about my next rant will be about one of the groups of people I hate most at the the school: Bitchy newly married girls that just got married over the summer and failed to bring her sorry ass down to the registrar to change her last name yet still have the nerve to get hella pissed when anyone (including professors) fails to magically know her new and improved married name. Just thinking about it gets me angry.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Computer Sadness

So much to my dismay and inconvenience, my computer has been sent to the Best Buy lab in an attempt to nurse it back to health. It will be there for about 3 weeks so currently I am forced to go back to the old school method of pen and paper notes and mootching off my roomie (or slacking at work) for computer time. It sucks and will greatly hinder my researching (for the research paper that I swore to myself I would finish this summer yet have barely started) but it could always be worse because at least its not during exams. never realize how much you are totally dependent on your computer until its cruelly ripped from your hands. Oh, and on a disturbing note, the Best Buy guy said that he thinks I might emit some sort of pulse that negatively effects electronic devices. Nifty, huh?