Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hello, Goodbye

So in some sad news I adopted an awesome Shih Tzu on Thursday named Sophie only to find out that I am too allergic to keep her. I have had dog allergy problems in the past but I was really confident that with more medication and getting an “hypoallergenic” dog that I would be okay as I have been doing better around other people's dogs, but unfortunately it is not working out that way. Unfortunately I am really itchy around her and get rashes and/or hives if I have to be in really close proximity to her or hold her for more than a few seconds and have started to have some breathing issues too. Evidently the medicine is just not cutting it. I think that some of the cause for my elevated reaction to her is that she has some skin problems so she is constantly scratching herself thus kicking up dander and licking/chewing-on herself thus exposing me to lots of saliva. And since dander and saliva are the 2 things most people are allergic too, I think that it is not meant to be. I was forced to weigh the pros vs. cons for both me and her and I finally came to the hard conclusion that it would be better for both her and me if she got a new family. It is really sad to get rid of her as I already really love her and she is a great little dog, but it must be done. My head knows that I need to focus on my heath first and foremost but my heart is feeling heavy from bringing her back to the shelter. The only thing that is making me feel better is that it is a great shelter that is no kill and I am very confident that she will get re-adopted very quickly as she is a purebred who is well behaved and super sweet. Ultimately I know that she will have a better life with a family who can play with her and snuggle with her the way she deserves, but still I can’t help but feel sad and a bit guilty that I am letting her go. Sigh…so keep Sophie in your thoughts and hope that she gets a great new family that loves her.

UPDATE: Evidently Sophie was adopted within 5 minutes of me bringing her in, so hopefully she is now all settled into her new home and loving it.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Friday Night

So in the ever exciting and glamorous life I lead, I spent last Friday night at my sisters' elementary school in order to watch 2 of my sisters perform in the annual talent show. And all I can say is “Oh my Gawd!” Maybe it was just my naivety but somehow I had gotten it into my head that it was going to be about an hour and a half investment of time so since it was starting at 6, we should have been hitting the parking lot by 7:30. Yeah, I was so totally of the mark on that one.. instead that thing went until almost 9!! Yes that is right… 3 hours of elementary school age children singing and dancing with the occasional really really bad joke telling session thrown in. Not that I was not happy to go because my sisters were absolutely adorable and totally kick-ass and it was really good to see my family but dear Lord above it was LONG.

And to make this night even more fun pretty much every act featured music from High School Musical, Hannah Montana (Disney show featuring Billy Ray Cyrus’ daughter as a high school student that has a secret double life as a world famous pop star), or a evangelical Christian sing-along song (don’t even get me started on Christian songs at school…evidently I am the only person in my parent's town who cares about separation between church and State). For those of you not familiar with High School Musical it was a made for the Disney Channel musical that became a ginormous phenomenon in the tween world. It has become one of the biggest selling DVD, a multi-platinum CD, spurned as sold out touring show, and has a sequel in the works. It is so freakin popular that at Christmas both my mother and I had to stalk Best Buy for days to ensure that my sisters had a copy of the special addition with Sing and Dance Along. Every single child in my parents neighborhood has memorized ever word and every dance step. This musical is like crack for children! Its actually pretty cute the first time you see it but damn after about 20 kids singing or dancing to “Get’cha Head in the Game” or “Bop to the Top” you are ready to rush the stage and beat down the CD player. And then as some cruel twist of fate some wizard decided that the best music to play before the show and during the 30 freakin minute intermission was the freakin’ “High School Musical” soundtrack. Seriously?!

Also I just have to say if you have ever wondered why we have such a problem with teenage pregnancy look no further than an elementary school talent show and you will see the rampant over-sexualizing of young girls. I swear there where 10 year old girls that if I were to attempt them would make me, a fairly liberal 25 year old woman, blush. I mean I don’t like to consider myself a prude but I mean Damn Gina! Some of these girls were bumping and grinding it so hard that they just a pole away from a very lucrative career in “adult entertainment.” In the name of all that is holy why do we condone young girls to act like this? And its not like they just made this stuff up on their own, a few of the 5th graders did a dance routine they learned on the cheerleading squad that was, in my humble opinion, very inappropriate for 10 year old CHILDREN. And its not just dance moves, its also the stuff these girls were wearing. Yes it was a talent show so they were costumes, but I saw at least 5 costumes that would be right at home in Paris Hilton’s closet. Were are these girls’ parents? If my child were to try to walk out dressed like that…wait a minute I forgot I would be the adult and refused to allow my daughter to buy that trash. Sigh...maybe I am a prude but I can’t make myself feel bad about that.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

You Oughta Know

So if you haven't checked out Overheard in Law School yet I recommend you to do. It honestly makes me laugh out loud some time. Nice to know that law students and professors everywhere are pretty much the same. Here are some of the recent gems...

Professor: What do you think, Mr. Student?
Student: I'm sorry, I wasn't uhhhhh...awake.
Professor: You weren't awake?!?! (stares in disbelief)

3L #1: I don't want to keep reading for school. I read most of the important chunk of one case, is that enough?
3L #2: I opened the damn book and I feel like I've done enough

2Ls are comparing photos on their student IDs.

2L guy: 2L girl, you look nice in your picture. Like you're really happy.
2L girl: I know. I was happy. They took the picture before we started law school.

Licensed to Ill

Nothing all the exciting to report other than the fact that I survived a week of having the flu, bronchitis, and strep all at once. Cause when I get sick I don't half-ass it! During this week I battled a fever of 104, had more drugs in my system than the Rolling Stones in the 60s, and killed 3 boxes of tissues, but by God, I triumphed! I really have nothing witty or funny to add to this as the only things I have seen this week are my bed, my futon, and my TV. However if you have any questions about bad made-for-tv movies, old episodes of ER, or the Sabrina the Teenage Witch marathon (yes I know its sad, but desperate times my friends) then I am your girl.