Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Holy Crap

Do you like Jesus and the Bible but feel that they are just not commercialized enough for you? Do you want your kids to experience the birthplace of Christianity without being forced to deal with those pesky other religions who claim Jerusalem is also a holy city for them? Well if so you are in luck because now there is a 100% Christian alternative and best of all You don't even have to leave the good old US of A. That's right folks we in America have reached a whole new level in commercialism because we now have The Holy Land Experience. Here you can learn about Jesus, eat a giant turkey leg, and get crucifixion action figures all in one convenient theme park. So next time you are in Orlando ignore that other theme park (because really isn't Disney just trying to set Mickey up as a false idol anyway?) and head on over to The Holy Land Experience.

1. I should totally get hired to do publicity for this place. Clearly I would do an amazing job. I think I will send over my resume today.
2. I must credit Outside Report with cluing me in on this existence of the Holy Land Experience. Without them I would be without a Fall Break destination. Thanks Chris!

1 comment:

Chris said...

haha no worries! and I share absolutely your sentiments about law school. Heck if you ever get on see I wrote a blog post about how much I hate law school..the people..ugh. Whenever anyone asks me "So do you like law school?" I can never say yes. They are all stuck up pretensious jerks. In fact, they are reason I'm going away to HOng Kong for a semester. I never had the incentive to go away but law school gave me plenty!

Here are my two posts:

When I left Charleston in 1999, I was soo glad to be independent and away from my parents. During college, I was even happier for my independence. I hated going back home..and always looked forward to leaving Charleston and heading back to Emory. How the years change.

Law school (and this is a warning to those thinking about law school) is a very very lonely place. Its a cold place..and a place where people are seemingly indifferent, shalllow, or unfeeling to you and your feelings. I dont think in three years have I been asked "how are you doing" by people who actually care how I'm actually doing.

For me at least, law school is a place where no one really cares whether you live or die..whether you are happy or sad. I tell people all the time that if I were to disappear from one would notice... I also tell people.that i can remember in-depth details of my college years..whereas I've already forgotten most of my 1L year and quickly forgetting my 2L.

But there is one good thing about the entire experience..and that is ..I've rediscovered my parents. For 4 or 5 years, I truly do think I "lost" them..that I didn't appreciate them..and that strayed from them..but in the last few years..I've grown so close to my mom and stepfather. I love being home with them..and hate when I have to leave them. They are the only two people on this earth that I think truly do love my unconditionally.

Its so weird that the little things i use to hate a few years ago.."stand up straight Chris.... do you have enough food you have clean socks Chris...let me cook you breakfast Chris..take our canned food Chris...take this money Chris.." things that I felt were signs that they did not respect "my independence" i now know..are signs of unconditiional and true love.

I could be a billionaire and my mom would still insist on giving me 10 dollars.. I could have a house full of food.and my mom would still insist on giving me food.. When visiting home for Memorial day..all I could do is look at these people and smile..because i know no matter what happens..there are at least two people who I know would give me the shirts off their back.and I know I'd do the same for them. There are at least two people that when they ask.."how are you" they actually geninuely care and want to know.

And here is my faux letter to my fellow law students from April 2006.

Dear Generic Law Student,

No, I don't care how much money you will be making this summer, how much fancy clothes you will buy, nor do I care how much you will make as a partner at a firm.

No I don't care how much this firm will pay you and in fact where i come from, its rude to even discuss such things. No, I didn't 90 hours straight for that exam and no my outline isn't 500 pages long. No, I don't know what that Professor said to you at a private dinner cocktail party and no, I don't care either.

No, I don't particularly care what Scalia said in that dissent nor do I care how conservativism/liberalism is the answer to all of America's problems. No, my father and mother were not lawyers, judges, doctors, or anything of the like. They spent their time as your secretary and mechanic. No, I didn't go to X private school nor do I know that wealthy family from Charleston.

No, I didn't hit on that person and no, I don't want to date this person. No, this test isn't the hardest thing I've ever faced in my life and if a test at Duke Law is the hardest thing you have fought in your life, then you've lived a pretty sheltered and sad life.

No, I've never been to that super wealthy restaurant. No, my parents and I have never vacationed in Paris, London, Tokyo, the Netherlands, or Mexico. In fact, my mother and I have never left this country.

And no.I will never ever understand you nor your lifestyle and I pray that I will never know it. But yes, its all good.